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Best Athlete YouTube Channels

August 25, 2021 3 min read

Best Athlete YouTube Channels

We spend a lot of time on bike trainers, and as entertaining as Zwift is, we sometimes need a little something extra to pass the hours. Whether you’re settling in for an easier ride, or have some longer breaks between intervals, these shows are worth checking out. 


Lionel Sanders

Lionel's crazy work ethic, unbelievable wattage stats, and inspiring backstory makes his channel our absolute favorite. Watch a Lionel workout and you’re left with the feeling of “This guy is next level intense, and I love it.” To get to know Lionel, there is a great piece on him in the PTO documentary. Start about  13 min in for the backstory. 


Nick Bare of Bare Performance Nutrition 

If your dream is to be incredibly jacked, live in an awesome city, and make boatloads of money from your successful business that lets you workout for 3 hours a day, then this guy will make you jealous. Truly inspiring stuff. 

I’d recommend starting with the Ironman Prep Season 2 series. 


That Triathlon Life

Pro Triathletes Eric Lagerstrom and Paula Findlay have really developed a knack for story telling and pulling together some awesome triathlon footage. They come off as normal people who happen to be really good at Triathlon. I find myself going back every Sunday because I feel like if we ever ran into each other at a dog park, we’d become fast friends. 

If you’re a coffee snob, like dogs, and triathlon, this channel is for you. 


Going Long With Sam Long

If you were starting to think pro Triathletes have no personalities, Sam will prove you wrong. Sam is entertaining, wears his emotions on his sleeve, and rips legs off on the bike. As Boulder natives, we find it cool to see Sam running around our hometown. 


Justin Metzler

Justin’s videos have gone from bumpy riding DIY footage to very entertaining training content in a very short amount of time. He is a big guy that puts in some big training and lives just down the road from us in Boulder. Overall a solid watch.


Team Charles-Barclay

Badass and frustratingly fast swimmer, pro Triathlete Lucy Charles and her husband Reece Barclay make some great content. We’re jealous of their pain cave, and epic training camps. 


The Tim and Rinny Show

Triathlon power couple taking us on their journey of becoming parents and staying competitive with an up and coming generation. Their home in Boulder and wine collection are something to aspire to. 


Triathlon Taren

Not having the benefit of starting out as a pro, you have got to give Taren credit for turning his channel and business into what it is today. Whether you’re serious about triathlon or just a run of the mill age grouper open to tips and tricks, Taren is your guy. We love what he is doing for the sport so be sure to check him out. 


Heather Jackson

She puts out content less frequently (making videos is not easy), but Heather is another great Pro Triathlete to follow. A fellow ex-ice hockey player, we felt an immediate connection to Heather. Plus her tattoos are pretty awesome, and her fashion sense in Triathlon is on point. 


EF Pro Cycling

This channel is a bit different, but the Gone Racing series is a cool look at pro cyclings going around the world to cool races in cycling disciplines they don’t normally race in. You get exposed to future destination races and see what it would be like to enter a race and just win it because you’re so damn fit. 

Feel like we missed a winner? Comment below on new channels we should be checking out! 

Disclaimer - despite our best efforts, we’re not best friends with anyone here, so we can’t speak to the type of person they actually are. If you hear anything really bad, let us know so we don’t promote badness. 

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